4 IV 2014 – Peavy Arboretum, Corvallis, OR

April 4, 2014 – Overcast and drizzly,  high 50’s. Sampled around Peavy Arboretum in Corvallis, OR in the afternoon looking for Cosmopepla intergressa on thimbleberry but it hadn’t leafed out yet. Did find a male and a female Podisus maculiventris, which I was very happy about to find this early in the season.

My phone’s battery ran out as soon as I got to the site, which was disappointing. I was seeing a lot of really great, interesting looking insects including march flies, an adult sawfly, a predacious fly, and a lot of huge weevils (below, which I managed to get a photo of before the battery ran out).

I brought a pair of the longhorn beetles back to the lab with me to shoot some better photos (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). I found these on some low shrubs. They are incredibly grippy.




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